Talk and tea with Armin Lorenz Gerold and Barbara Urbanic

Please join us this Sunday, 24th of September at 12 noon for tea and a conversation between artist and composer Armin Lorenz Gerold and experimental gardener Barbara Urbanic moderated by Mint’s artistic director Emily Fahlén. Gerold and Urbanic will discuss Mint’s upcoming exhibition ‘Many ways to now’ – an audio-visual system of ceramic sculptures, vibrating devices, sounds and screens, transforming the exhibition space into a sensory acoustic landscape –their collaborational installation ‘Verstärkung (amplification), 2021’, sound vessels, melancholy and their approaches to finding strategies against time.

Barbara Urbanic (*1982) studied History of Religion in Vienna, where she lives and grows an experimental cut flower garden. In her practice, semi-jokingly referred to as “The Politics and Aesthetics of Flowers”, she brings both a theoretical cultural studies approach and a creative process reflecting her historical research to floral and botanical designs. Beyond the garden, she co-organizes the literature format „Linkes Wort“, held since 1975 at the Austrian Communist Party’s annual summer fair.

Armin Lorenz Gerold (*Graz/Austria) is an artist and composer based in Berlin. His work has been presented at Halle für Kunst Steiermark, KW Berlin, LambdaLambdaLambda (Kosovo); fluent (Spain), mint (Sweden) and the Gothenburg Biennale for Contemporary Art (in a collaboration with Doireann O’ Malley). In 2021, the artist published his first artist book including his most recent play Manuel or A Hint Of Evil, alongside a collection of essays and texts. The publication was published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, supported by the Ruisdael Stipend. In November 2022, Manuel or A Hint Of Evil premiered as a live audio play at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.