This is an invitation to participate in the performance The People’s Family Court by Iris Smeds. The performance is organised as part of Mint’s ongoing exhibition The Isolated Bone. Please find the mandatory sign up form below!
On Saturday, 17 February at 1–4 pm, The People’s Family Court will be held in Katasalen in ABF-huset (floor 1). Four people stand accused: Mom, Dad, Child and Dog. On stage are the four family members, and in the audience are the people holding them to account.
During the performance – which is also a filming of a scene for Smeds’ upcoming film “The Little House in the Food Court” – the audience will make accusations against the family members. These are formulated and submitted in advance in the form below. The accused character can be acquitted or convicted, the penalty for a conviction being exclusion from the family.
The People’s Family Court runs for a total of three hours, from 13-16, including replays.
Instructions for you as an audience / extra
You book your seat by writing an accusation to a family member using the online form below. You will not read out your allegations yourself. It is important that you address your accusation in a maximum of 250 characters to ONE family member; Mum, Dad, Child or Dog. You can accuse your own mother, father, child or dog, or the symbol of the mother, father, child or dog,
As a spectator and extra, you will take part in the event and will be filmed at the same time. As the whole scene is documented, it is important that you can stay from the beginning to the end.
Since 2020, Iris Smeds has been working on the film project The Little House in the Food Court, whose story consists of a queer theatre group that in an undefined future settles in a mall’s food court and stages an adaptation of Laura Ingalls’ book series The Little House on The Prairie as a play. The theatre group creates scenes that confront and renegotiate different roles and power structures within a family, where the concept of family also serves as an allegory for the state. Scene 5 is currently on display in Mint’s exhibition The Isolated Bone.