Who else but the singer will raise our emotions

Two days before the Swedish election, we welcome you to Mint. We gather for a stage program of hope and hate, lament and poem, as well as the opening of an exhibition about friendship, two pregnancies and a runaway poodle.

Let us be reminded of our community in art, the city and friendship in the middle of an absurd election campaign!

The evening’s  program includes performances by, among others, rip ME (live), the artist Iris Smeds as Vaska Fimpen and the poets Donia Saleh, Lizette Romero Niknami, Merima Dizdarevic and Daniel Boyacioglu. There will be a speech by the sociologist and researcher Majsa Allelin performed by Evelina Mohei, a film screening, dance and hangout at the Tranan bar with music by iInatti and Kablam. More participants and detailed program are updated on Mint’s website!

Opening: During the evening we open the doors to the autumn’s first exhibition at Mint: Anything happens here. The acclaimed film Two Sisters Who Are Not Sisters by the British artist Beatrice Gibson (b. 1978) is shown here together with dreamlike sculptures by Britt-Ingrid Persson BIP (b.1938). Exhibition period 9.9 – 8.10, 2022.

Mint is supported by the City of Stockholm, The Swedish Arts Council, and the Region of Stockholm